Tuesday, April 27, 2010

[Ed.12] In this edition → → → → →

No abacus required: HCR will cost more says HHS
American’s did the math long before the government did

WASHINGTON, DC—A new report out by the Department of Health and Human Services concludes HCR will actually cost more than projected. What’s more, about 4 million people will have to pay…..
The CEO myth: Government is not a business
Businessmen look to be the answer to many voters, but government isn’t a business

Naples, FL—Rick Scott, a local business man in South Florida has thrown his hat into the governor’s race. Mr. Scott’s credentials are of a successful businessman and is marketing himself…..
Repeat until true
The media proves yet again it doesn’t let facts get in the way

Dallas, TX—After attending a Tea Party rally, New York Times Charles Blow writes about the racism he encountered; he even described the rally as a “minstrel show”. But in an interview..…
The Obama presidency’s fiscal reckoning
America faces a 250 percent increase in the national debt over the next decade

WASHINGTON, DC—According to an article by Roger Altman, Clinton’s Deputy Treasury Secretary, the latest numbers released by the CBO put the US on a path…..
GITMO is just ok
AG Holder is running into roadblocks on his way to close GITMO

WASHINGTON, DC—Attorney General Eric Holder is having a difficult time in closing Guantanamo Bay Detention facility in Cuba. Congress has not yet appropriated the money necessary to…..
Is Kim Kardashian an animal abuser?
PETA doesn’t like Ms. Kardashian’s photo-op, we don’t like the pop culture

Socialite Kim Kardashian got PETA and other animal rights groups’ collective attention when she posted a picture of herself holding a kitten by its scruff. On her Twitter page, the…

No abacus required: HCR will cost more says HHS
American’s did the math long before the government did

WASHINGTON, DC—A new report out by the Department of Health and Human Services concludes HCR will actually cost more than projected. What’s more, about 4 million people will have to pay the $1000 fine for not buying coverage beginning in 2016 and the CBO finds it will fall squarely on the middle class.

This of course, isn’t news to the American people who still oppose the health care legislation by over 50 percent. The HHS findings state that while covering an additional 34 million will drive costs up $311 billion over ten years. Moreover, the Medicare cuts are estimated to paint red ink all over 15 percent of the nation’s hospitals and other institutional providers.

During that same decade, health care reform will cost $35 trillion and, shock! will actually increase health coverage premiums. The slight-of-hand, shell-game numbers given to the CBO just before passing HCR are quickly unraveling, and just as other government programs, will certainly cost more than originally projected.

Couple those rising costs and a nearly certain VAT tax, the American middle class’ wallets will be hit hard, the only redress voters have is at the ballot box this November and again in 2012.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

[Ed.11] In this edition → → → → →

In God we trust, not government
Pew poll says 4 out of 5 American’s don’t trust the government

Washington DC—A new Pew poll has found that almost 80 percent of American’s do not trust the federal government. What’s more, they also believe that the federal government can’t solve the..…
Has Crist put the “I” in VETO?
With his veto, Governor Crist may be signaling his run as an independent

Tallahassee, FL—Last week, Governor Charlie Crist vetoed Senate Bill 6, a bill that would have broken the strangle-hold of the Teacher’s Union and based part of teacher’s pay on
Al Gore’s blaspheme
Al Gore won’t answer questions about global warming or acknowledge God’s promise

Durham, NC—During a recent visit to Duke University, former Vice President Al Gore was the “victim” of ambush journalism in which an O’Reilly Factor producer Jesse Waters attempted to…..
The ghosts of Bush’s TARP
President Obama isn’t to blame for falling incomes, but he soon will be

American’s real personal income fell 3.2 percent over the last year. While many conservatives will be pointing their finger at the 44th President, they should first wag it at the 43rd. President Bush…..
With friends like these in Kabul, who needs enemies?
Karzai is showing the international community his true colors

Kabul, Afghanistan—Hamid Karzai’s comments that he’ll join the Taliban were clearly designed to garner attention, any attention, and to distract from the sham elections his country just held…..
Oprah’s tamed Kitty
Kitty Kelley is well known for writing tell-alls about well knowns

Author Kitty Kelley has written a tell-all book about the most recognized media figure in America, Oprah Winfrey. The unauthorized biography, Oprah: A biography by all accounts only lends to…..

In God we trust, not government
Pew poll says 4 out of 5 American’s don’t trust the government

Washington DC—A new Pew poll has found that almost 80 percent of American’s do not trust the federal government. What’s more, they also believe that the federal government cannot solve the nation’s economic problems.

This isn’t news to tea partiers, libertarians, or conservatives, but it probably is to liberals and inside the beltway circle rounders and of course, the mainstream network and cable news outfits. The Pew Research Center’s study found that distrust of the federal government spans across party affiliations and political philosophies—democrats, libertarians, conservatives, independents, and even social liberals believe the government is or has created more problems that it has solved.

Part of this distrust is laid at the feet of career or even new politicians, “The government's been lying to people for years. Politicians make promises to get elected, and when they get elected, they don't follow through,” said registered democrat Cindy Wanto of Pennsylvania. Cindy Wanto expresses what so many American’s feel—politicians are in the business of getting elected and reelected so they’ll tell their electorate what it wishes to hear.

But the larger point isn’t about what any particular politician does or doesn’t do, its what the electorate knows they can’t and/or don’t trust them to do and that is to let people live there lives without having to rely on government.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

[Ed.10] In this edition → → → → →

American’s discontent can be explained thusly: it’s the economy stupid

Rasmussen Reports has found that 58 percent of Americans are in favor of repealing Obamacare. That number is up from 54 percent just two weeks ago. This shows empirical evidence of…
Special elections in Florida, Hawaii, and Pennsylvania have the dems worried

Three special elections are coming in the next few weeks. The first of which is in Florida’s liberal 19th Congressional district, where Republican Edward Lynch faces Democrat Ted Deutch. Two other…
Fabricating the news when reporting just won’t do

The network news and most in the mainstream media have a new angle on the Tea Party movement—they’re all right wing black helicopter kooks. Racial epithets are routinely hurled…
A value added tax will be a regressive tax

There has been much talk of late about a coming federal tax known as a value-added tax. Much of the European countries have a VAT in place. Theoretically, VATs are cash cow…
The president promised he’d unilaterally disarm the US, he meant it

On October 22, 2007, then candidate Barack Obama in a video speech to the Caucus for Priorities promised to unilaterally disarm the United States of its nuclear arsenal and much more…
The golfer proves he has put himself before the public

Forgive us for again writing about Tiger Woods, but the latest news is a chance to say, we told you so! Last week, this publication asked a question about to which end the golfer is asking…

New lows for the president and health care
American’s discontent can be explained thusly: it’s the economy stupid

Rasmussen Reports has found that 58 percent of Americans are in favor of repealing Obamacare. That number is up from 54 percent just two weeks ago. This shows empirical evidence of what the anecdotal evidence purports by way of the town hall meetings and tea parties; moreover, it coincides with the latest Rasmussen numbers that show President Obama’s approval rating to have slid to 48 percent.

So what has caused such discontent?

Simple, it’s the economy stupid. Unemployment hasn’t shown any significant improvement, in fact the latest numbers and numbers soon to come won’t be an accurate representation because of thousands of temporary, non-benefit census jobs. Out of work American’s aren’t seeing anything on the horizon and those employed are apprehensive about rising health care premiums; not to mention the pain at the pump—gas prices are on the rise and could be over 3 dollars a gallon soon.

In the midst of several corporations disclosing the financial hit they’ll take now Obamacare is law, which means hiring freezes or workforce reduction, the president is holding a summit on nuclear proliferation and the next item on the Administration’s agenda is likely to be cap and trade—two agenda items that don’t have anything to improve the employment rate.

“Laser like focus on jobs”

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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Monday, April 5, 2010

[Ed.9] In this edition → → → → →

Even with a 17 minute and 2,500 word non-answer

A conservative versus a popular politician

Scant coverage of Florida’s special election

The postal service is widely out of control

The Left compared Iraq to Vietnam, they couldn’t have been more wrong

The adulteress golfer and his comeback

The credibility factor—why Obama can’t sell Obamacare
Even with a 17 minute and 2,500 word non-answer

Charlotte, NC—Health care reform may have been signed into law, but the public still isn’t buying it. In fact, during a town hall meeting, the president was asked a simple question by an attendee named Doris, “[Is it] wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care?”

Mr. Obama’s non-answer took just over 17 minutes and 2,500 words in its entirety. And this is precisely why the American people aren’t on board—the president didn’t have any credibility going into the supposed debate. His administration and the democrat majority simply put it out there without an introduction. True, it was an integral part of Obama’s campaign stump speech but in a country with rising unemployment and golden parachutes for those largely seen as creating the problem, HCR was largely window dressing draped in the background with the economy and two wars in the foreground.

I make this point to make another point. Obama was seen as a new politician, one who would end America’s partisan divide but he didn’t use his political capital to unite quarreling factions, instead he dove head-long into an agenda item that no one was concerned about—health care. Hence, any talk about anything other than the economy and jobs (perhaps the wars), wasn’t going to win the president any support. Had Obama actually engaged the economic recession he may have had the credibility to tackle HCR. But he chose idealism over reality and because of it, the recession continues on and the American people will stay opposed to HCR for as long as the president purports it.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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