Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In God we trust, not government
Pew poll says 4 out of 5 American’s don’t trust the government

Washington DC—A new Pew poll has found that almost 80 percent of American’s do not trust the federal government. What’s more, they also believe that the federal government cannot solve the nation’s economic problems.

This isn’t news to tea partiers, libertarians, or conservatives, but it probably is to liberals and inside the beltway circle rounders and of course, the mainstream network and cable news outfits. The Pew Research Center’s study found that distrust of the federal government spans across party affiliations and political philosophies—democrats, libertarians, conservatives, independents, and even social liberals believe the government is or has created more problems that it has solved.

Part of this distrust is laid at the feet of career or even new politicians, “The government's been lying to people for years. Politicians make promises to get elected, and when they get elected, they don't follow through,” said registered democrat Cindy Wanto of Pennsylvania. Cindy Wanto expresses what so many American’s feel—politicians are in the business of getting elected and reelected so they’ll tell their electorate what it wishes to hear.

But the larger point isn’t about what any particular politician does or doesn’t do, its what the electorate knows they can’t and/or don’t trust them to do and that is to let people live there lives without having to rely on government.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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