Rasmussen Reports has found that 58 percent of Americans are in favor of repealing Obamacare. That number is up from 54 percent just two weeks ago. This shows empirical evidence of what the anecdotal evidence purports by way of the town hall meetings and tea parties; moreover, it coincides with the latest Rasmussen numbers that show President Obama’s approval rating to have slid to 48 percent.
So what has caused such discontent?
Simple, it’s the economy stupid. Unemployment hasn’t shown any significant improvement, in fact the latest numbers and numbers soon to come won’t be an accurate representation because of thousands of temporary, non-benefit census jobs. Out of work American’s aren’t seeing anything on the horizon and those employed are apprehensive about rising health care premiums; not to mention the pain at the pump—gas prices are on the rise and could be over 3 dollars a gallon soon.
In the midst of several corporations disclosing the financial hit they’ll take now Obamacare is law, which means hiring freezes or workforce reduction, the president is holding a summit on nuclear proliferation and the next item on the Administration’s agenda is likely to be cap and trade—two agenda items that don’t have anything to improve the employment rate.
“Laser like focus on jobs”
-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick
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