WASHINGTON, DC—A new report out by the Department of Health and Human Services concludes HCR will actually cost more than projected. What’s more, about 4 million people will have to pay the $1000 fine for not buying coverage beginning in 2016 and the CBO finds it will fall squarely on the middle class.
This of course, isn’t news to the American people who still oppose the health care legislation by over 50 percent. The HHS findings state that while covering an additional 34 million will drive costs up $311 billion over ten years. Moreover, the Medicare cuts are estimated to paint red ink all over 15 percent of the nation’s hospitals and other institutional providers.
During that same decade, health care reform will cost $35 trillion and, shock! will actually increase health coverage premiums. The slight-of-hand, shell-game numbers given to the CBO just before passing HCR are quickly unraveling, and just as other government programs, will certainly cost more than originally projected.
Couple those rising costs and a nearly certain VAT tax, the American middle class’ wallets will be hit hard, the only redress voters have is at the ballot box this November and again in 2012.
-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick
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