Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[Ed. 21]          In this edition → → → → →

Welcome to FDR’s fourth term
Obama makes good on his campaign promises, sort of

WASHINGTON, DC—Remember what Obama told Joe the plumber? “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” I hate to be an I told you so but…..
Kagan versus free speech
The little that is known about the president SCOTUS nominee is disturbing

WASHINGTON, DC—Confirmation hearings began yesterday for Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court Nomination by President Obama. Conservatives and libertarians have much to worry about, but…..
Country loses more confidence in Obama; Congress
Poll respondents unhappy with the direction of the country

WASHINGTON, DC—A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted last week shows a majority of Americans are pessimistic about an economic recovery and have little faith in President…..
Quarterly growth revised downward by Commerce Department
Economic growth was weaker in the last quarter than previous quarters

WASHINGTON, DC--The Commerce Department revised the first quarter's growth downward from 3 percent to 2.7percent. Economists state that quarterly growth should be at least…..
Obama’s win for losing strategy?
What the president might be trying to accomplish

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—Accepting General Stanley McChrystal's resignation was the right thing for the president to do, technically speaking. But looking past his tepid comment (the explosive…..
Lady Gag Me
The pop star’s antics are of shark jumping proportions

LONDON, ENGLAND--Sporting 12 inch platform boots, Lady Gaga fell while walking in London's Heathrow Airport on June 23rd, apparently tripping over a train following her chaps. We…..

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Welcome to FDR’s fourth term
Obama makes good on his campaign promises, sort of

WASHINGTON, DC—Remember what Obama told Joe the plumber? “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” I hate to be an I told you so but, HE told us so. Candidate Obama said what was necessary to appeal to enough of American voters to put him in the White House. And now with HCR passed, the Woodrow Wilson of the 21st century is making clear his intentions…..

"Somehow people say, why are you doing that, I'm not sure that's good politics. I'm doing it because I said I was going to do it and I think it's the right thing to do. People should learn that lesson about me because next year when I start presenting some very difficult choices to the country, I hope some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I'm calling their bluff. We'll see how much of that, how much of the political arguments that they're making right now are real and how much of it was just politics." 

You don’t remake America into a European socialist democracy by the number of troop levels in Iraq or Afghanistan. You don’t remake America into a European socialist democracy by siding with Israel or mediating Middle East peace accords. You don’t remake America into a European socialist democracy by closing GITMO—but you do remake America into a European socialist democracy by passing health care reform. You do remake America into a European socialist democracy by passing cap and trade. You do remake America into a European socialist democracy by passing financial regulatory reform.

If one can take anything from the G-20 and G-8 summits, its Margaret Thatcher’s prescient quote, “the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money” is now a fulfilled prophecy. Don’t believe it? Just look to Greece, Hungary, Italy, and Spain.

-- Owen E. Richason
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

[Ed. 20]          In this edition → → → → →

Obama to senator: Read my lips, no new border enforcement
Arizona Senator Jon Kyl claims the president is using border security as political leverage

WASHINGTON, DC—In a shocking admission, the junior senator from Arizona, Jon Kyl claims that in a meeting with President Obama, he was given a reason the borders aren’t being secured…..
Oil spill commission comprised of advocates
The White House panel is made-up of technocrat policy wonks 

WASHINGTON, DC—President Obama’s blue ribbon commission looking into the Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are mostly environmental and clean/green energy advocates with no…..
Democrat pollsters to party: You guys are in serious trouble!
Polling by Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell reveal another 1994 GOP takeover 

WASHINGTON, DC—Douglas Schoen and Patrick Caddell have been warning their same party incumbents of the dismal prospects they face in the November midterms since last summer when…..
Jobless benefit claims rise (again)
12,000 new claims put May’s adjusted total up to 472,000

WASHINGTON, DC—Revised unemployment numbers have been released showing a net spike in initial projections of jobless claims for the month of May from 460,000 up to 472,000—undermining…..
Obama’s ratings fall in Muslim countries
Since his 2009 Cairo speech, the president’s policy approvals are down

MIDDLE EAST—Candidate Barack Obama promised to restore America’s standing in the world, and newly elected President Obama went on a world apology trip straight away but less than…..
Al Gore reportedly had an affair 

Star magazine says the former VP was involved in an extramarital relation with Laurie David

NASHVILLE, TN—In a bombshell announcement, Albert and Tipper Gore circulated a note among close friends and associates stating they were ending their 40 year marriage amicably but little…..



Obama to senator: Read my lips, no new border enforcement
Arizona Senator Jon Kyl claims the president is using border security as political leverage

WASHINGTON, DC—In a shocking admission, the junior senator from Arizona, Jon Kyl claims that in a meeting with President Obama, he was given a reason the borders aren’t being secured, “The problem is…if we secure the border, then you all [republicans] won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform."

Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer in a written statement prepared on behalf of the White House responded to the allegation, “"The president didn't say that and Senator Kyl knows it. There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the president has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system." 

Regardless if the president’s comments are true, he certainly isn’t breaking tradition—going back to Reagan, president’s and congresses at large see the border as either a steady stream of new voters or cheap labor. Though Obama has sent 1,200 National Guard troops to the south, it like most of what he has been doing of late is a photo-op of a ruse to make it appear that he’s interested or in control.

But in the very least, it once again reminds Americans their elected officials treat national security and sovereignty as a political football.

-- Owen E. Richason
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

57 days later, a spill of a speech
Obama to nation: Let's all enjoy a piece of pie in the sky!

WASHINGTON, DC—My fellow conservatives and voter’s remorse liberals won’t like my initial reaction to President Obama’s speech last night: It was a good speech. The language was unambiguous but I do have one criticism of it, when I woke up this morning and tuned into the news, the spill was still gushing!

In spite of the Professor-in-Chief’s wonderful someday, everybody will surf to work in space-age vehicles that use no fuel speech, the damn hole hasn’t been plugged. Disappointing to say the least—this is quintessential Obama—talk about the situation, ruminate over all of the advances and strides we’ll make in the future and let’s call it a day.

I also found the speech to reflect another glaring characteristic of Mr. Obama—a disconnect from reality. He said the government has been there in the Gulf of Mexico from day one and he takes full responsibility for the actions of the federal government, but then asserts the government will bring all of its resources to bear to combat the crisis. He stated that the Minerals and Mining Service, a government agency, was plagued with corruption and problems. His solution? Have another bureaucracy oversee that bureaucracy while a government official cleans up the bureaucracy that let BP get away with murder.

Of course, the problem with the MMS bureaucracy was there before he even took the oath of office (psst, I didn’t want to say anything, but the last president let the MMS get “too cozy” with the companies they’re supposed to regulate). My solution is to regulate the most heavily regulated industry in the country and the federal government is just the entity to do it, never mind the fact I just bashed it.

What was conspicuous by its absence was any solution to the current problem—the gush of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico. Speaking about what new technologies will be available in the future and how the administration is going to push for alternative energy sources, along with cleaning up oil that hasn’t yet come up and punishing BP monetarily doesn’t show leadership.

I suspect the president will get a bump in the polls for his speech, and it was a good speech. But the words will disappear into thin air while the oil bubbles up for weeks to come. Good speech, now let’s do something about it.

-- Owen E. Richason
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

[Ed. 19]          In this edition → → → → →

Amid job approval slide, Obama gives public address
Polls both show a majority of people disapprove of the president’s handling of the country

WASHINGTON, DC—Tonight, President Obama will speak directly to the nation he has been ignoring since orchestrating a massive and disproportionately unpopular health care reform bill. After fifty-plus days of dithering…..
Who is Alvin Greene? 

The mysterious talking-points reader is causing quite a stir 

SOUTH CAROLINA—In a stunning democrat primary win, penniless senatorial candidate Alvin Greene bested the favorite Vic Rawl putting him against Republican Senator Jim DeMint who is considered…..
What the primaries mean 

A reshaping of the political landscape is taking place across America 

SUPER TUESDAY, USA—The primary elections held on June 8th point to one inescapable fact—the political landscape is changing in America. Forget about republican, democrat, or independent, they are merely…..
Retail sales fall to lowest in eight months 

The federal debt grew $2.4 trillion since Obama took office 

WASHINGTON, DC—More evidence of a double-dip recession comes on the heals of a Commerce Department report showing retail sales fell to their lowest level in eight months. Retail sales fell…..
Piers Morgan replacing Larry King? 

Slumping ratings are forcing a change at CNN 

ATLANTA, GA—The headline says it all and apparently its all but a done deal, Larry King is out, Piers Morgan is in. The Britain’s Got Talent judge is about to ink a £5.5 million ($8,129,177) deal…..

Amid job approval slide, Obama gives public address
Polls both show a majority of people disapprove of the president’s handling of the country

WASHINGTON, DC—Tonight, President Obama will speak directly to the nation he has been ignoring since orchestrating a massive and disproportionately unpopular health care reform bill. After fifty-plus days of dithering, giving lip service, and a few token appearances to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, Obama will tell the American people he’s not letting this crisis go to waste—and comprehensive energy reform or cap-and-trade will be levied on the United States whether its citizenry wants it or not.

After all, he’s done all he can, he will no doubt explain. He stood outside, in the rain talking to folks as Mark Steyn pointed out so now he’ll do what all visionary, take-charge leaders do and propose legislation that raises taxes, stifles competition, and weakens the US’s growth so China and India can march right by.

Plug the damn hole you say? Why you simple-minded miscreant—how will that help the Commander-in-Legislator to move this country further toward a European style socialist democracy? Mr. Obama simply doesn’t have time for action like capping the well and stopping the flow of oil into the gulf; no, he’s forging past his sliding approval ratings and has already dispatched Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate and legally scapegoat BP, Deepwater Horizon, and probably members of the Bush administration. Sure, the spill is BP’s fault, but Obama isn’t interested in taking charge so much as he is in blaming them for making him look incompetent.

So tonight we’ll be transported back to the Carter Administration vis-à-vis Obama’s way-back blame game machine; where words are enough to free hostages or bring OPEC to its kneesafter all, didn’t it work then?

-- Owen E. Richason
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

[Ed.18]          In this edition → → → → →

Super Tuesday! Races to watch…..
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Blanche Lincoln might well be private citizens by the end of the night

WASHINGTON, DC—The administration is definitely watching some key races across the country, the most notable of which is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s republican opponent come…..
Are you dumber than a fifth grader? Chances are excellent if you’re a liberal
A new study by Zogby shows liberals can’t answer basic economics questions

FAIRFAX, VA—A study conducted involving 4,835 American adults by Daniel Klein and Zeljka Buturovic asked eight basic economics questions to persons describing themselves as very liberal…..
Helen Thomas to Israel: Drop Dead
Ms. Thomas tells Jews, “Get the hell out of Palestine.”

WASHINGTON, DC—60 year White House press corps veteran, Helen Thomas was asked about the recent Gaza naval blockade and IDF boarding of an ostensible “humanitarian aid” flotilla—her answer can best be described as…..
Federal debt exceeds $13 trillion amidst jobless recovery
The federal debt grew $2.4 trillion since Obama took office

WASHINGTON, DC—A June 1st Treasury Department report shows the federal debt reached $13,050,826,460,886.97; nearly 89.4 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, making each…..
The American left, anti-Semitic or just useful idiots?
Once again the American left sympathizes with terrorist backed organizations

GAZA STRIP—“This was no love boat; it was a hate boat,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said about the so-called aid flotilla that was border by Israeli Defense Forces for…..
A perfect game, imperfectly called
Umpire Jim Joyce’s error deprives Armando Galarraga of a record

DETROIT, MI—Umpire Jim Joyce blew a call in the ninth inning with two outs and a batter behind the count as Tiger’s pitcher Armando Galarraga had what would otherwise be a perfect game…..

Super Tuesday! Races to watch…..
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Blanche Lincoln might well be private citizens by the end of the night

WASHINGTON, DC—The administration is definitely watching some key races across the country, the most notable of which is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s republican opponent come November; Nevada republican primary candidates Sue Lowden, Danny Tarkanian, Sharron Angle all beat Reid in the polls—regardless of which GOP member wins the primary, Reid is almost certainly a  goner.

Arkansas is another big race with Blanche Lincoln facing and democrat primary run-off against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter and from all polling indications, she won’t be running in the general election. And in California, Barbara Boxer will face either Carly Fiorina, a former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, Tom Campbell, a former congressman, or Chuck DeVore in the fall. Polls show Boxer is on shaky ground and republicans have a chance of picking-up her seat.

In Iowa, the democrat governor, Chet Culver, whose approval rating has been dropping will likely face republican Terry Branstad, who was governor of the state from 1982 until 1998.

Currently, the democrat majority in Washington holds an abysmal 71.8 percent disapproval rating in the Real Clear Politics average. And 60.8 percent of American’s think the administration and its same-party majority is leading the country in the wrong direction.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

[Ed.17]          In this edition → → → → →

The Sestak scandal grows
More questions raised about an alleged White House quid-pro-quo

WASHINGTON, DC—In a memo released by the White House in regard to the allegation that a job offer was made in exchange for dropping out of a senate race to Congressman Joe Sestak by…..
No win in sight
How a political calculation over the oil spill could cost the president

WASHINGTON, DC—In what is now clearly a political calculation gone awry, President Obama is feeling the effects in his poll numbers and his political clout. The fallout his inaction to the BP oil…..
NASA stonewalling Climategate FOIA
Several Freedom of Information Act requests have gone unfulfilled by the space agency

WASHINGTON, DC—On May 27th, Christopher C. Horner, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute filed a lawsuit to compel NASA to comply with several overdue FIOAs…..
Government payouts rise, private pay shrinks
Q1 2010 government benefits reach record high

WASHINGTON, DC—Private pay reached a historic low of 41.9 percent in the first quarter of 2010 while government benefits were paid out to 17.9 percent of Americans, up from 14.2 percent in…..
Administration advisor says Jihad is a “legitimate tenant of Islam”
Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor proclaims the United States is not at war with terrorism

WASINGTON, DC—John Brennan, the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security said in a speech to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, “…..Our enemy is not terrorism…”
Simon Cowell departs from American Idol
The show’s creator is on to his next concept, The X Factor

LOS ANGELES, CA—American Idol creator and music executive Simon Cowell sat in his judge’s seat for the final time last week, ending nine seasons of recording breaking TV ratings. The…..

The Sestak scandal grows
More questions raised about an alleged White House quid-pro-quo

WASHINGTON, DC—In a memo released by the White House in regard to the allegation that a job offer was made in exchange for dropping out of a senate race to Congressman Joe Sestak by the White House, the administration stated the job offer was for an unpaid position and therefore, no illegal actions were committed.

The latest news is the offer was made to Congressman Sestak by former President Bill Clinton to sit on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board in exchange for dropping out of the senatorial primary race against Arlen Specter.

As Bryon York pointed out in a piece in the Washington Examiner, Sestak being a current member of Congress could not sit on the presidential advisory board as it violates the board’s rules. And there are questions being raised about Bill Clinton’s level of authorization as well as scrutiny of violating 18 USC 600.

Inside the beltway deals like this occur on a regular basis in Washington, but Sestak broke the cardinal rule of don’t ask don’t tell. In his ambition to pursue a senate seat, he let the cat out of the bag. While there are calls for an official investigation on both sides, partisanship will prevail over the rule of law and come November, this may be a distant memory. If it does not wane, the economy, oil spill and immigration belligerents plaguing the democrat party will be irritated further and voters will not be kind.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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