Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama to senator: Read my lips, no new border enforcement
Arizona Senator Jon Kyl claims the president is using border security as political leverage

WASHINGTON, DC—In a shocking admission, the junior senator from Arizona, Jon Kyl claims that in a meeting with President Obama, he was given a reason the borders aren’t being secured, “The problem is…if we secure the border, then you all [republicans] won't have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform."

Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer in a written statement prepared on behalf of the White House responded to the allegation, “"The president didn't say that and Senator Kyl knows it. There are more resources dedicated toward border security today than ever before, but, as the president has made clear, truly securing the border will require a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system." 

Regardless if the president’s comments are true, he certainly isn’t breaking tradition—going back to Reagan, president’s and congresses at large see the border as either a steady stream of new voters or cheap labor. Though Obama has sent 1,200 National Guard troops to the south, it like most of what he has been doing of late is a photo-op of a ruse to make it appear that he’s interested or in control.

But in the very least, it once again reminds Americans their elected officials treat national security and sovereignty as a political football.

-- Owen E. Richason
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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