WASHINGTON, DC—The administration is definitely watching some key races across the country, the most notable of which is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s republican opponent come November; Nevada republican primary candidates Sue Lowden, Danny Tarkanian, Sharron Angle all beat Reid in the polls—regardless of which GOP member wins the primary, Reid is almost certainly a goner.
Arkansas is another big race with Blanche Lincoln facing and democrat primary run-off against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter and from all polling indications, she won’t be running in the general election. And in California, Barbara Boxer will face either Carly Fiorina, a former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, Tom Campbell, a former congressman, or Chuck DeVore in the fall. Polls show Boxer is on shaky ground and republicans have a chance of picking-up her seat.
In Iowa, the democrat governor, Chet Culver, whose approval rating has been dropping will likely face republican Terry Branstad, who was governor of the state from 1982 until 1998.
Currently, the democrat majority in Washington holds an abysmal 71.8 percent disapproval rating in the Real Clear Politics average. And 60.8 percent of American’s think the administration and its same-party majority is leading the country in the wrong direction.
-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick
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