Tuesday, August 10, 2010

[Ed. 27]          In this edition → → → → →

Obamanomics: no fix for America’s panes
Keynesian economic theory losses to reality

WASHINGTON, DC—Prior to last Friday’s numbers dump, the chief theoretician on Team Obama, Christina Romer announced her retirement from public service to rejoin the private sector at…..
Obamacare on the ballot
Missouri voters give the administration a preview of what’s to come

MISSOURI—The Show Me State voters are showing the Obama administration just what they think of health care reform: it stinks. Two out of three voters went to the polls on August 2nd and…..
Let the taxpayers eat cake
The First Lady enjoys an extravagant trip while Americans face more bad economic news

SPAIN—Remember Mr. Obama telling Americans not to go, ''blow a bunch of cash in Vegas''; well, Michelle Obama’s trip to Spain with daughter Sasha will probably exceed the cost of a few…..
When exactly does “Recovery Summer” begin?
The administration is telling us things are getting better but they’re not

WASHINGTON, DC—“Recovery Summer” seems to be out of synch with the calendar. According to long held belief, summer is wedged between spring and fall, occurring from June through…..
Obama losing war support
Americans are losing confidence in the ability to win in Afghanistan

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—With the deadliest month in Afghanistan on record, more Americans are expressing concern the United States and its allies cannot win the war. USA Today reports…..
Chelsea Clinton’s day
Estimates for her wedding range upward of $2 to $3 million—so what?

RHINEBECK, NY—Former first daughter Chelsea Clinton wed her beau, Marc Mezvinsky on July 31st. The press couldn’t get enough of the event, the Obama and Gore snub, and the cost…..

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Obamanomics: no fix for America’s panes
Keynesian economic theory losses to reality

WASHINGTON, DC—Prior to last Friday’s numbers dump, the chief theoretician on Team Obama, Christina Romer, announced her retirement from public service to rejoin the private sector at Berkley where theory reigns supreme, uninterrupted by pesky real world circumstances.

The Washington Examiner and Larry Kudlow both wrote pieces yesterday proclaiming precisely this, citing a slew of bad economic numbers: the 9.5 percent jobless rate, anemic 2.4 percent growth, the addition of more discouraged workers, and a weak outlook for the next three quarters.

How could this be? Ms. Romer’s grand thesis on the miraculousness of the stimulus boasted holding unemployment under 8 percent and growing the economy at an astounding rate by injecting massive government money into the economy. Yet, America is in the exact same position Ms. Romer said it would be in if the stimulus wasn’t passed.

This is the broken window fallacy on full display: the theory the smashes Keynesian window dressing. Simply put, it states that government spending improves the economy by creating jobs. There’s only one wrinkle in the theory—government doesn’t produce anything that makes money, so the money has to come from taxpayers. In other words, the government has to confiscate money from the private sector to inject money into the private sector.

The Soviet Union tried this. Japan has tried this. Cuba has tried this.  And America has tried this about three times. Theory: 0, Reality: 6.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

[Ed. 27]          In this edition → → → → →

Rangel, Waters and the American public
Pelosi pledged to “drain the swamp” when she became Speaker, it only took her three years to begin

WASHINGTON, DC—Why do the American people not trust the 111th Congress and politicians at large? Two names come to mind straight away: Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters. The two…..
Obama supporters stop blaming Bush, but Obama doesn’t
A recent poll shows Obama’s base are looking for that promised hope and change

WASHINGTON, DC—The don’t blame me president won’t welcome the latest round of polling that shows empirical proof his base is blaming him instead of the evil George W. Bush for the…..
Arizona sheriff at odds with Obama administration
Law enforcement officers and citizens defend the new immigration enforcement

(CNSNews.com)–Arizona’s Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu is hopping mad at the federal government…..
Economists predict double dip recession
Leading indicators point toward an extended downturn

WASHINGTON, DC—The Associated Press is reporting economic forecasts for 2011, and they are bleak; citing a continuing high unemployment rate, weak GDP growth, lack of consumer…..
Afghanistan records deadliest month
Civilian deaths on the rise as the conflict drags on

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (AP)—A minibus full of civilians struck a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan early Sunday, and Afghan officials said six of those on board were killed…..
Snooki calls out Obama
The Jersey Shore star swerves into the complexities of the US tax code

MTV—Jersey Shore star Snooki took a jab at the president in a recent episode regarding new health care reform regulations of UV ray sessions…..

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Rangel, Waters and the American public
Pelosi pledged to “drain the swamp” when she became Speaker, it only took her three years to begin

WASHINGTON, DC—Why do the American people not trust the 111th Congress and politicians at large? Two names come to mind straight away: Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters. The two congressional members are just the latest in a long line of elected officials with scandal ridden lifestyles. Rangel has been charged with 13 counts of ethics violations and word is Waters will soon be facing charges.

But they certainly are not alone. Remember Robert Wexler, the congressman from Florida that lived in Maryland? Though not reported, Harry Reid is allegedly involved in some legally bent real estate deals. Kendrick Meek, the democrat running for senator in Florida has been called one of the most corrupt members in the Florida House.

Then there’s republican governor Mark Sanford who took a week long tryst in South America to meet up with his mistress. John Edwards had an affair with a woman while his wife battles cancer. Edwards’ running 2004 mate, John Kerry just got busted trying to dodge a half-million dollars in taxes.

Scandal plagues both parties and parties are comprised of human beings but the American public knows when they break the rules, there are consequences, when politicians do, an apology usually suffices. The double standard is why the American public do not trust politicians.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick