Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rangel, Waters and the American public
Pelosi pledged to “drain the swamp” when she became Speaker, it only took her three years to begin

WASHINGTON, DC—Why do the American people not trust the 111th Congress and politicians at large? Two names come to mind straight away: Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters. The two congressional members are just the latest in a long line of elected officials with scandal ridden lifestyles. Rangel has been charged with 13 counts of ethics violations and word is Waters will soon be facing charges.

But they certainly are not alone. Remember Robert Wexler, the congressman from Florida that lived in Maryland? Though not reported, Harry Reid is allegedly involved in some legally bent real estate deals. Kendrick Meek, the democrat running for senator in Florida has been called one of the most corrupt members in the Florida House.

Then there’s republican governor Mark Sanford who took a week long tryst in South America to meet up with his mistress. John Edwards had an affair with a woman while his wife battles cancer. Edwards’ running 2004 mate, John Kerry just got busted trying to dodge a half-million dollars in taxes.

Scandal plagues both parties and parties are comprised of human beings but the American public knows when they break the rules, there are consequences, when politicians do, an apology usually suffices. The double standard is why the American public do not trust politicians.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

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