Tuesday, July 27, 2010

[Ed. 26]          In this edition → → → → →

Obama disapproval on the rise, WH focuses on 2012
The latest round of poll numbers have the administration looking toward 2012

WASHINGTON, DC—The latest Rasmussen Reports shows Obama’s disapproval has risen to 55 percent of likely voters, with 45 percent approving of his job performance. Recent defections…..
A hyper racially biased, post racial administration
Shirley Sherrod is indicative of a larger picture

WASHINGTON, DC—In a matter of hours, a low-level USDA administrator went from self professed racist to post racial epiphany, to class warfare advocate, to race baited victim, to a…..
Journalists conspired to spike news stories, promote Obama campaign
The Daily Caller exposes media bias during the 2008 election

WASHINGTON, DC—The Daily Caller reports it has obtained documents that show a concerted plot by liberally minded journalists to spike negative news stories about then candidate Barack…..
Obama to raise taxes on small businesses
Another campaign pledge goes bust

The Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats have said that they want to raise taxes in the top two income tax rates in January 2011. Under their plan, the 33% rate will rise to…..
White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber
The administration shows deference to convicted terrorist

WASHINGTON, DC—Documents obtained by The Australian purportedly show proof the Obama Administration backed the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi; preferring him not to suffer in a…..
“Barefoot Bandit” returns home to face criminal charges

The barefoot bandit comes home. 19-year-old Colton Harris-Moore steps from a plane in Seattle to face a blizzard of criminal charges. And his defense attorney says the teenager has a message…..

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Obama disapproval on the rise, WH focuses on 2012>
The latest round of poll numbers have the administration looking toward 2012

WASHINGTON, DC—The latest Rasmussen Reports shows Obama’s disapproval has risen to 55 percent of likely voters, with 45 percent approving of his job performance. Recent defections include white liberals and some Hispanics, unhappy with the White House challenge to Arizona’s new immigration law.

A recent Politico piece reports the White House has dispatched aides to Florida to clean up Obama’s lack luster oil spill response because that can’t be blamed on Bush—not that some pundits haven’t tried. The administration’s strategy is to keep the Sunshine State in the blue column:

That battleground state will be a heavy lift. In interviews conducted along the coast, Florida Democrats accused the administration of largely ignoring their calls and letters and complained of a White House that’s out of touch.

Knowing what lies ahead for the November midterms, the White House is looking to save Obama’s reelection chances and to stave off a democrat challenger as speculation grows that Hillary Clinton is making subtle moves toward a possible 2012 run. That in part, is why the president has embarked on a publicity tour (which makes one wonder if putting himself in front of a recovery message will backfire when there is no recovery).

Obama promised change you can believe in and if the election were held today, it would be change the Chicago community organizer would not welcome.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

[Ed. 25]          In this edition → → → → →

Dems confront midterm realities, brace for losses
Insiders and pundits say a new focus on 2012 means 2010 is being conceded

WASHINGTON, DC—Looking at recent primary races and devastating losses of two key governorships and a liberal stalwart senate seat, democrat leaders are struggling to stave off…..
White liberals begin turning on Obama
A FOX News/Opinion Dynamics polls shows little hope for change

WASHINGTON, DC—President Obama lost moderate republicans shortly after his election, over the health care debate, he lost independents. Now he is losing white, liberal democrats. In a …..
What the media isn’t telling us about Afghanistan
Reports about the war faltering are out there, but the democrat defection is not

WASHINGTON, DC—Writing in The Washington Examiner, Michael Barone, exposes democrat support for the “good war” to be eroding irretrievably. The basis of this phenomenon seems to…..
Splitting Apple in two

Yet another example of how the media turns the ordinary into a scandal

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Apple CEO Steve Jobs fired back last week about the reported problem with the iPhone 4 stating, “This is life in the smartphone world; phones aren't perfect. We…..
White House: Al Qaeda is racist and intolerant
Apparently, a terrorist organization is only despicable when it discriminates

WASHINGTON, DC—The White House is condemning the terrorist acts committed in the recent Unganda bombings as acts of racism because blacks are unfairly treated by the hate groups. No…..
Lindsey Lohan and Tiger Woods send Mel Gibson flower bouquet
More proof that there is no such thing as good press

BEVERLY HILLS, CA—Profanity laced, anger-dripping audio bites of Mel Gibson shouting and emotionally abusing his girlfriend, Oksana Griorieva have been making their way around every…..

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Dems confront midterm realities, brace for losses
Insiders and pundits say a new focus on 2012 means 2010 is being conceded

WASHINGTON, DC—Looking at recent primary races and devastating losses of two key governorships and a liberal stalwart senate seat, democrat leaders are struggling to stave off election loses…..in 2012.

Until now, the democrats thought they would have enough time to turn their collective fortunes around, but Beltway insiders are on the outs with an increasingly angry electorate who are tossing establishment candidates out like yesterday’s trash.

Robert Gibbs July 11th statement on Meet the Press expresses the conventional wisdom coming from the democrat party—republicans are poised to take the House, and the Senate isn’t far out of reach. Barbara Boxer faces a tough reelection challenge as does Russ Feingold. In congressional races across the country, conservative outsiders are in strong positions to win their race. Republicans need 39 House seats to take the majority, and 10 Senate seats. As of mid-July, there are more than 40 House seats trending toward the GOP and four to five Senate seats look winnable.

Democrats are repeating the painful results of hope and change.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

[Ed. 24]          In this edition → → → → →

The next shoe to drop? Al Franken and Obama 2008 campaign voter fraud
Voter intimidation and fraud are nothing new in the democrat party

NOVEMBER 2008—New allegations are coming from both documentary directors and conservative watchdog groups about shenanigans in the 2008 elections. Clinton supporters…..
Democrat governors caution administration over Arizona lawsuit
The New York Times reports legal action could cost the party in the fall

WASHINGTON, DC—According to a Sunday night headline on the Drudge Report in a private meeting with the White House, “Dem Govs Warn: Obama Lawsuit vs. AZ is ‘Toxic’”. KP is not…..
The recess appointment of an unabashed redistributionist
A fervent supporter of socialized health care is chosen to run Medicare and Medicaid

WASHINGTON, DC—Dr. Donald Berwick has been the recipient of a recess appointment by President Obama to be the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). In…..
More burdens on small business means less small businesses
New requirements will have millions more tax forms pouring into the IRS

WASHINGTON, DC—A full forty million taxpayers, twenty-six million of which are sole proprietors will be met with a new challenge when filing their federal taxes come 2012. The new regulations…..
Does NASA now stand for the National Arab Schmoozing Administration?
The administration uses NASA for a far out mission

WASHINGTON, DC—If you’ve missed the latest far-out agenda item coming out of the Obama administration, you’re in for a dozy. The new NASA Director has been given the charge of using…..
Lohan, environmental disaster, and the news
The news moniker, “If it bleeds, it leads” again rears its ugly head

BEVERLY HILLS, CA—Last week a California judge handed a 90 days jail sentence down to disaster-in-waiting, sometimes actress, Lindsay Lohan for violation of probation. Another…..

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The next shoe to drop? Al Franken and Obama 2008 campaign voter fraud
Voter intimidation and fraud are nothing new in the democrat party

NOVEMBER 2008—New allegations are coming from both documentary directors and conservative watchdog groups about shenanigans in the 2008 elections. Clinton supporters charge they were routinely turned away from caucuses by Obama supporters and 341 felons have purportedly been identified as voting illegally in Minnesota—eventually ousting incumbent Norm Coleman by 312 votes.

We here at KP are skeptical of the Obama rumors that allege Hillary supporters were routinely turned away as part of a mass conspiracy and choose at this time to rely on our earlier theorization that an upstart junior senator could out maneuver a Clinton for the democrat nomination without the aid of Clinton fatigue in the media, beltway, and democrat party at large.

But the Franken charges are more troubling in that the senatorial election followed the Gore/Bush model, cherry picking voting districts and filing lawsuits. For those who don’t recall, Norm Coleman was initially declared the winner but the margins were small enough to trigger a recount. And Team Franken kept recounting until the former SNL comedian “won” the seat.

Both instances should be fully investigated and we here at KP are sure action will be taken by the FEC, just like the Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case.

-- Owen E. Richason IV
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

[Ed. 23]          In this edition → → → → →

Why Steele’s actions, not his remarks prove he needs to go 

The RNC ought to be overflowing with cash, its not

WASHINGTON, DC—The Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele has come under fire and being pressured to resign from both parties for his remarks on Afghanistan…..
More trouble for Obama, dems—white voters leave 

Amid jobless double dip recession, more voters turn away from democrat party

WASHINGTON, DC—A new Washington Post poll shows that white voters have begun a mass exodus from President Obama and the democrats by extension. According to the poll, white voter…..
Daily Kos charges pollster fraud
An abject lesson in the realities of polling data

DAILY KOS, INTERNET—Liberal blogger and political commentator Markos Moulitsas is publicly calling out Research 2000, a polling firm that he contracted, claiming he was the victim of…..
Jobless rate drops slightly as more Americans stop looking for work
Despite spending $787 billion, the economy and unemployment lag

WASHINGTON, DC—The Bureau of Labor and Statistics released June’s unemployment numbers, recording a drop in the jobless rate from 9.7 to 9.5 percent. Good news right? Not so fast. While…..

Congressman to townhall, “The borders are quite secure.”
Pete Stark scoffs, mocks, and lies about the US’s border security

FREEMONT, CA— "Who are you going to kill today?" Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) openly mocked a town-hall attendee who identified himself as part of the Minute Men project. The infamously…..

Police reopen Gore investigation
While global warming falls in July, the former Veep denies the allegations

PORTLAND, OR—In a shocking turn of events, Portland police have reopened the assault case against former Vice President Al Gore, whom is accused of "unwanted sexual contact" in 2006 by…..


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Why Steele’s actions, not his remarks prove he needs to go
The RNC ought to be overflowing with cash, its not

WASHINGTON, DC—The Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele has come under fire and being pressured to resign from both parties for his remarks on Afghanistan…..

"Well if [Obama] is such a student of history, has he not understood that, you know, that's the one thing you don't do is engage in a land war in Afghanistan. Alright? Because everyone who has tried over a thousand years of history has failed. And there are reasons for that. There are other ways to engage in Afghanistan without committing more troops." 

Bill Kristol wrote of the comments…..

"At a time when Gen. Petraeus has just taken over command, when Republicans in Congress are pushing for a clean war funding resolution, when Republicans around the country are doing their best to rally their fellow citizens behind the mission, your comment is more than an embarrassment. It's an affront, both to the honor of the Republican party and to the commitment of the soldiers fighting to accomplish the mission they've been asked to take on by our elected leaders."

What Steele said is in large part true—Afghanistan has been the Achilles Heal of many nations—the Soviet Union knew it all too well. But my beef with Steele isn’t about Afghanistan, it’s about cash. The job of the RNC Chair is to raise money and promote candidates. While the Republican Party is certainly making electoral gains, it lags in cash. Why? Last month, the DNC took in $6.6 million and the RNC $6.46 million and in April, the DNC raised $10 million to the RNC’s $7 million.

With the direction of the country led by an unpopular president, enabled by an unpopular democrat congress, the RNC should be awash in cash. If Steele cannot raise money in this climate, he cannot be effective in any situation.

-- Owen E. Richason
Chief Editor, Killswitch Politick

Sunday, July 4, 2010

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ HAPPY 4th of JULY! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Please take a moment today to pray for our President, Congress, Court, and Troops.

May God Bless America!