Tuesday, July 27, 2010

[Ed. 26]          In this edition → → → → →

Obama disapproval on the rise, WH focuses on 2012
The latest round of poll numbers have the administration looking toward 2012

WASHINGTON, DC—The latest Rasmussen Reports shows Obama’s disapproval has risen to 55 percent of likely voters, with 45 percent approving of his job performance. Recent defections…..
A hyper racially biased, post racial administration
Shirley Sherrod is indicative of a larger picture

WASHINGTON, DC—In a matter of hours, a low-level USDA administrator went from self professed racist to post racial epiphany, to class warfare advocate, to race baited victim, to a…..
Journalists conspired to spike news stories, promote Obama campaign
The Daily Caller exposes media bias during the 2008 election

WASHINGTON, DC—The Daily Caller reports it has obtained documents that show a concerted plot by liberally minded journalists to spike negative news stories about then candidate Barack…..
Obama to raise taxes on small businesses
Another campaign pledge goes bust

The Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats have said that they want to raise taxes in the top two income tax rates in January 2011. Under their plan, the 33% rate will rise to…..
White House backed release of Lockerbie bomber
The administration shows deference to convicted terrorist

WASHINGTON, DC—Documents obtained by The Australian purportedly show proof the Obama Administration backed the release of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi; preferring him not to suffer in a…..
“Barefoot Bandit” returns home to face criminal charges

The barefoot bandit comes home. 19-year-old Colton Harris-Moore steps from a plane in Seattle to face a blizzard of criminal charges. And his defense attorney says the teenager has a message…..

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