Trying KSM in a civilian court sets a dangerous precedent
Attorney General Eric announced in a Friday afternoon media dump that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in civilian federal criminal court rather than by military tribunal…
Coming to an electric company near you, environmentalism meets corporate greed
Public polling has been shifting toward increasing skepticism regarding anthropogenic global warming and chances are science actually has less to do with it than green marketing. While…
The sad reality of 2000 comes back yet again
In November of 2000, Vice President Al Gore was given a premature victory via faulty exit polling and a media eager to rid themselves of the Texas misfit cowboy. Hours later, Gore conceded…
The Obama administration has been talking recovery in the private sector, pointing to signs of anecdotal economic upturns, but last week, ABC News uncovered a shocking slight-of-numbers…
The overseas contingency snags GITMO
For the first time since signing an executive order to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, as he promised during the 2008 campaign, President Obama now admits his…
Oprah Winfrey announces the end of her daytime talk show
Attorney General Eric announced in a Friday afternoon media dump that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in civilian federal criminal court rather than by military tribunal…
Coming to an electric company near you, environmentalism meets corporate greed
Public polling has been shifting toward increasing skepticism regarding anthropogenic global warming and chances are science actually has less to do with it than green marketing. While…
The sad reality of 2000 comes back yet again
In November of 2000, Vice President Al Gore was given a premature victory via faulty exit polling and a media eager to rid themselves of the Texas misfit cowboy. Hours later, Gore conceded…
The Obama administration has been talking recovery in the private sector, pointing to signs of anecdotal economic upturns, but last week, ABC News uncovered a shocking slight-of-numbers…
The overseas contingency snags GITMO
For the first time since signing an executive order to close the prison facility at Guantanamo Bay, as he promised during the 2008 campaign, President Obama now admits his…
Oprah Winfrey announces the end of her daytime talk show
Oprah announced last week that her ratings dominant daytime television show, the basis of a multibillion-dollar media empire with million of viewers, will end in 2011 after 25 seasons...
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