Tuesday, July 6, 2010

[Ed. 23]          In this edition → → → → →

Why Steele’s actions, not his remarks prove he needs to go 

The RNC ought to be overflowing with cash, its not

WASHINGTON, DC—The Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele has come under fire and being pressured to resign from both parties for his remarks on Afghanistan…..
More trouble for Obama, dems—white voters leave 

Amid jobless double dip recession, more voters turn away from democrat party

WASHINGTON, DC—A new Washington Post poll shows that white voters have begun a mass exodus from President Obama and the democrats by extension. According to the poll, white voter…..
Daily Kos charges pollster fraud
An abject lesson in the realities of polling data

DAILY KOS, INTERNET—Liberal blogger and political commentator Markos Moulitsas is publicly calling out Research 2000, a polling firm that he contracted, claiming he was the victim of…..
Jobless rate drops slightly as more Americans stop looking for work
Despite spending $787 billion, the economy and unemployment lag

WASHINGTON, DC—The Bureau of Labor and Statistics released June’s unemployment numbers, recording a drop in the jobless rate from 9.7 to 9.5 percent. Good news right? Not so fast. While…..

Congressman to townhall, “The borders are quite secure.”
Pete Stark scoffs, mocks, and lies about the US’s border security

FREEMONT, CA— "Who are you going to kill today?" Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) openly mocked a town-hall attendee who identified himself as part of the Minute Men project. The infamously…..

Police reopen Gore investigation
While global warming falls in July, the former Veep denies the allegations

PORTLAND, OR—In a shocking turn of events, Portland police have reopened the assault case against former Vice President Al Gore, whom is accused of "unwanted sexual contact" in 2006 by…..


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