Tuesday, May 25, 2010

[Ed.16]          In this edition → → → → →

Crying over spilled oil
36 days into BP’s Gulf of Mexico spill, fingers are being pointed left and right

GULF OF MEXICO—Florida Governor Charlie Crist declared a state of emergency weeks ago and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal just completed a tour of Plaquemines Parish with its president…..
National Intelligence Direct to resign
Repeated failures to foil terror plots cited as why Dennis Blair will step aside

WASHINGTON, DC—The Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair, will officially resign his post on Friday, May 28th in the wake of three high profile intelligence failures …..
Obama’s approval rating slips to 44 percent
Rasmussen Reports has a new poll showing 55 percent disapprove of Obama’s job performance

WASHINGTON, DC—Rasmussen Reports daily tracking has President Obama’s job approval charting at 44 percent, with 55 percent disapproving. According to the polling firm, “Overall, 44%…..
Home foreclosures break record in Q1 2010
Foreclosure rates have risen 5% since Q4 2009

WASHINGTON, DC—Mortgage delinquencies and foreclosure actions rose from 4.58 percent to 4.63 percent from the end of last year to March, 2010. The five percent rise translates to one in…..
Grim milestone reached in Afghanistan
US troop deaths reach 1,000 since the war began in 2001

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN—The United States incurred 1,000 US troop deaths when a suicide car bomber rammed into a NATO convey. Commander of U.S. and NATO forces, Gen. Stanley…..
No talent required: fame from infamy
Lindsay Lohan’s name stays in the news because she makes the news

LOS ANGELES, CA—Lindsay Lohan posted $100,000 after a California judge issued a warrant for her arrest after missing a May 20th court hearing. Lohan claims her passport had been stolen…..

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